- What concepts are included in the Mayflower Compact?
Within the Mayflower Compact there are several crucial concep
ts one being that the government is based on those governed. Another being that loyalty to England, the king and the pilgrims mother country remains strong even in the New World. Faith in God and accompanying beliefs is also a important concept included in the compact.
- How does the Mayflower Compact reflect and attachment to both the "Old" and "New" worlds?
The Mayflower Compact reflects both Old and New world attachment. For example, the agreement states that these settlers will remain loyal to their mother country while at the same time forming a democratic settlement on a new continent. Also the remaining faith in God shows Old world sentiment even while creating new settlement shows the attachment to both the New and Old world.
- How did the fundamental orders of Connecticut differ from the Mayflower Compact?
There are key differences between the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut and the Mayflower Compact. One being loyalty to the mother country. In the Mayflower Compact it is important that the settlers remain loyal to the mother country, referring to the king as "our dread sovereign". In the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, loyalty to the mother country goes unmentioned and is not a crucial part as it is in the Mayflower compact. The formation of the government by the pacts are also a subject of difference. In the Mayflower Compact the government was formed off a church covenant while the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut formed their government through uniting three individual towns.
- What prompted the colonists of Connecticut to take this approach to government, i.e.: use of a written constitution?
The driving force behind the formation of a written constitution was the idea that the government should be in the hands of the people, in other words, self-rule. Specifically the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut allowed all freemen to vote, where it was originally limited to churchmen.
- In what significant way(s) does the Fundamental Orders reflect a fear of
and safeguard against the usurping of power by one person or a chosen
In fear of one person or group of people the Fundamental Orders set up a safeguard in an attempt to stop this from happening. They did this by having the people elect officials and to prevent those officials from seizing power they limited the power of the government. Specifically limiting the amount of terms a official can serve.
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