LAD #2-The Trial of John Peter Zenger

  • Who was Peter Zenger?
   Peter Zenger was an editor and printer for the New York Weekly Journal and was the apprentice of William Bradford of the New York Gazette. He arrived in New York in 1710 as a German immigrant. Zenger printed articles that criticized the colony governor, William Crosby. Zenger was arrested for these works.

  • What was the controversy over his charges? Talk about Hamilton's defense. 

  Zenger's lawyer was Andrew Hamilton. Hamilton admitted that while Zenger had taken part in the publication of the articles but that these publication were merely an attempt to bad mouth the officials unless proven otherwise. Hamliton appeal to the jury to take into account the laws and facts. This was enough to convince the jury to acquit Zenger.

  • What influence did his case have on American governmental tradition?
   The use of the truth as protection against slander had a huge influence of American governmental tradition. Also Hamilton becomes an example of opposing tyranny in the regional and colonial governments.

  • What is the lasting significance of his trial? Explain.

    Zenger's trial and Hamilton's defense was a step towards freedom of speech. Which would eventually become the first amendment. This was mainly a result of Hamilton's defense, in which he claimed that a single statement is not a lie exactly, unless proven otherwise.


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