LAD/Blog #12: Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments

Summary: The Declaration of Sentiments states all men and women are created equal and have inalienable rights. If the government is in the wrong, it's the job of the people to rise up and make a change. The Declaration also states that women deserve the equality that is being withheld. The lack of proper education for women puts them underneath men, who regulate them. The hopes of the Declaration of Sentiments was to gain equality for women.
Principals: The democratic principals are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
-They are forced to submit to laws in which they have no say.
-They are unable to vote.
-They don't have the right to own anything.
-They have been denied proper education.
-They have no say in divorce and get little from it.
Frederick Douglas, Elizabeth Cody Stanton, Mary Ann M'Clinton, Lucretia Mott and Jacob Chamberlain all signed the document. Amelia Bloomer did not sign the document.


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